The 3 Biggest Challenges To Installing Solar in New York

Interested in installing solar in New York City? Are your solar projects getting bogged down in red tape or permitting woes? With all of the complexities of installing solar in New York City, there are countless obstacles your project may encounter. As experts in designing and permitting solar in NYC, here are some of the most common project setbacks and challenges to keep an eye out for.

1- Design Compliance

Critical to having a successful solar project is quality and code-compliant design and engineering work. We review hundreds of solar plan sets and some of the most common causes of project delays that we encounter are insufficient fire pathways, insufficient clearance around roof obstructions, zoning determination & compliance (for example not accounting for any flood zone, environmental hazard, or landmark restrictions), rooftop access requirements and simply trying to fit too many panels on the roof. When you work with Sologistics, our qualified and experienced design professionals will work to ensure that your system design is fully code compliant.

2- Permit Difficulties

Permitting challenges are all too common and can include receiving plan objections, variance application objections, preexisting DOB violations on the property, and long DOB review times. Working with Sologistics circumvents avoidable delays and expedites project timelines as our years of experience and expertise in NYC allow us to deftly navigate the solar permitting process.

3- Passing Inspection

Your solar installation cannot be considered finished once your solar project is successfully installed, for PTA projects passing inspection is required for project closeout. Common setbacks to passing inspection include panel layout change, electrical equipment location changes, sufficient & clear installation photos, unlabeled conduit, unlabeled utility meters, and unlabeled main service panels. Any changes in system design can require an as-built design and post-approval amendment in order to pass inspection. Sologistics guides you through the process to ensure that your project is equipped to pass inspection.  

If you are looking to overcome project setbacks and delays caused by difficulties with design compliance, permitting, and inspections, Sologistics is here to help guide you through these challenges to achieve successful and timely project installations. 



Interested in Overhauling Your Solar Pipeline?

Sologistics is here to help you meet the complex requirements for a successful solar site design and solar installation in New York. Get in touch with an array of experts in solar design, system engineering, permit expediting & utility applications. From the form details for solar operations to renewable energy transformation consulting, Sologistics knows how to get it done right the first time.


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