Sologistics Spotlight: Kristy Keshwah, Project Manager - Finance & Accounting

Welcome to Sologistics Spotlight, an inside look at and celebration of the Sologistics team! This spotlight is on our invaluable Finance and Account Project Manager, Kristy Keshwah. Kristy’s accounting expertise and attention to detail ensures that Sologistics operations continue uninterrupted. Here are some highlights of her expertise and leadership.

Sologistics Experience

Kristy has been on the Sologistics team for 2 years. As the Project Manager for finance and accounting, she oversees the day to day dismal aspects of the organization. Kristy says that working at Sologistics continues to be an invaluable learning experience and that the work from home culture allows her to pursue her professional goals without compromising quality time spent with her family. Most importantly for Kristy, it is a pleasure to work alongside a great team of solar experts. She appreciates how supportive the Sologistics team has been in helping her understand the nuances of the solar project operations. Kristy is passionate about her job because she loves working with numbers and finds it incredibly satisfying.

Professional Background

Kristy studied business management at both a bachelors and masters level having long been passionate about business management & finance. She previously worked in finance in the oil and gas industry. From and based in the Caribbean, the transition to work in renewable energy has shifted Kristy’s perspective and fueled her interest in giving back to the Caribbean and working to address climate change. In Kristy’s experience, governments, particularly in the Caribbean, need to provide increased financial incentives and concessions to make renewable energy development, electric vehicles, and all environmentally responsible choices more feasible and accessible. While there is still a long way to go, Kristy hopes to see and continue to contribute to increasing environmental action across the Caribbean.

Values Based Culture

Kristy’s favorite Sologistics guiding principle is #1: We make decisions based on facts. This is an essential principle for a financial analyst to embody. Making decisions based on facts ensures accurate invoicing to clients and timely review of invoices for payments. Fact based decision making allows Kristy to have a systematic process to collect data & extract relevant insights, and to create & present reports to decision makers to aid in short and long term strategizing for the benefit of the entire company.

For those interested in working in solar, Kristy thinks that those who enjoy constantly learning and growing in a dynamic and fast paced environment would enjoy the solar industry Furthermore, people from all different education and professional backgrounds are able to join the solar and renewable energy industry, making a work environment of diverse professionals.

Kristy is an essential member of the Sologistics team. According to Brendan Heyck, Chief Innovation Officer, “​​Kristy’s attention to detail ensures that Sologistics and our partners can focus on Solar Services while the respective financials are timely and accurate.”  Colin Berry from the marketing team shares, “In my time working with Sologistics, Kristy has been an invaluable connection, always providing prompt assistance and clear communication. I couldn't be more grateful for her professionalism and patience in every interaction I've had.” 

Additional Fun

Outside of her exemplary work at Sologistics, Kristy enjoys visiting the beach as much as possible for some rest & relaxation, spending time with family and friends, and is hoping to resume traveling soon. If she could be any apex animal, Kristy would be a whale because they travel in packs, are family oriented, and are calm but also fierce. Kristy’s song pick for the Sologistics soundtrack is We’re All In This Together from High School Musical.


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